Sunday, 11/5 ~ Rev. Mary Trainor-Brigham and Organist, Robin Jubenville

IMPORTANT REMINDER!!  We turn back the clocks this Sunday, November 5.
The service begins at 10:30am, at the new adjusted time.

This Sunday, November 5, we welcome back Rev. Mary Trainor-Brigham who presents, Black Panther/Full Moon: Stalking the Path of Resilience.  

In this worship service, Rev. Mary addresses the need for authenticity and alignment to all you love. If you cultivate such a life, then you will have the strength, ballast, and mutability to respond well to crises that occur.

Mary Trainor-Brigham has been a Colleague-in-the-Ministry in Northborough and Westborough MA UU Churches and a pulpit guest nationally and internationally. She is also a therapist, workshop facilitator, author of Deep Cinema, and screenplay consultant. She has a Masters degree in Culture & Spirituality which she augmented by seeking out Indigenous mentors worldwide.

We also welcome our special guest musician, Robin Jubenville, who will perform various selections–including J. S. Bach–on our magnificent organ.  Imagine the sound!

Mary Trainor-BrighamOrganist, Robin Jubenville