Sunday, March 25, 10:30am
Living with Regret
Special Worship Service with Guest Speaker, Rev. Martha Niebanck
How might we reconcile ourselves to our failures in relationship? In this era of “Me too!” how might we be held in community as we experience the growth that comes with having a conscience? How does shame get in the way of that reconciliation?
This special worship is led by guest speaker, Rev. Martha Niebanck, Minister Emerita of First Parish in Brookline having served our UU household of faith at the Doolittle Home, South County Rhode Island, and First Parish in Waltham.
Prior to her ordination, Rev. Martha worked with infants and families in early intervention, first as an occupational therapist and then as a family therapist. In retirement from parish ministry, Rev. Martha has a coaching practice of spiritual friendship with religious professionals and climate activists as a Certified Immunity to Change Coach.
All are welcome.
Additional activities are available for youth each Sunday. We share special stories, wonderings, activities, and art projects based on the theme of the service that age-appropriate and engaging for youth of all ages.