Saturday, February 16 ~ Spiritual Finance Workshop

Coin Jar
The Spiritual Finance Class Series
is designed to transform your core relationship with money. It is meant to provide benefit to people in all types of life situations. Young, old, rich, poor, middle-class, the financially adept, the financially reluctant … anyone can transform their relationship to money via this highly effective class series. The goals for this class include …

  • Understanding your personal relationship with money and finance.
  • Retooling how you relate to prosperity, abundance, and success.
  • Clearing the emotional clutter of limiting financial beliefs.
  • Having a clear understanding of why it is spiritually “ok” to be prosperous.
  • Being comfortable in the “money conversation.”
  • Creating a healthy and empowering relationship with money and finance.

Class size is limited and preregistration is required.  This class consists of 3 in-person classes and 2 by-phone classes. Please note: This class series is a comprehensive process, with each class providing a necessary component of the whole experience.  You are expected to attend all of the classes.  If you cannot attend any class in the series you will not be able to continue and will have to take the class again some other time.

Maria Yunis and Kerry Cudmore

Saturdays, Feb 16, 23, March 2, 9, 23; 10am-12pm

All students are automatically provided a full scholarship—a $300 value

UCMH Knight Room