Sunday, March 10 ~ A Journey from the Underground Railroad to the Pride Parade

UU Quote (3.10.2019 Service)

“All journeys have a secret destination of which the traveler is unaware.”
~Martin Buber

A Journey from the Underground Railroad to the Pride Parade
As part of our month-long focus on “Journey,” Rev. Alice will reflect on the journey of the Unitarian Church of Marlborough and Hudson.

What was so compelling that our forebears began the adventure of founding two congregations that ultimately merged? What challenges did they encounter along the way? What risks did they take? As we reflect upon the stories of our past, we will consider the lessons they have for the next phases of our journey.

Youth activities also are available in UCMH’s Union Hall for children of all ages.

Join us after the service for coffee, refreshments, and fellowship in our Worship Cafe —
Everyone is welcome at UCMH!

The service begins at 10:30am, the new daylight savings time.