Sunday, February 2 ~ “Persistence” Multigenerational Explorations ~ 10:30am

Buddhist Sand Mandala (2)

“She stood in the storm, and when the wind did not blow her away,
she adjusted her sails.”  ~Elizabeth Edwards

This Sunday, we begin our February theme, “Persistence,” with Multigenerational Explorations.  Together we’ll enjoy an abbreviated worship service followed by the opportunity to explore our monthly theme in more depth using different learning modalities. Select from one of the activities below:

Exploration in Art: Sand Mandalas
Explore persistence along with impermanence with Ruth Hanlon. A sand mandala is a Tibetan art form. The design is usually round or square and honors a specific Buddhist  god. The design uses sand to color the image and can take weeks to finish.The process is completed by destroying the image, reminding us of the impermanence of life. We will make a simple mandala today using colored sand and destroy it at social hour. Located in Union Hall, directly underneath the Sanctuary — you can use the doors on either end of the Sanctuary and go downstairs.

Exploration in Reflection & Dialogue: TED Talks
Which is more important to success: talent or persistence? Who inspires you to keep going when things get hard? Watch and discuss TED Talks on this topic with Rev. Alice. Located in the Sanctuary.

Exploration in Ritual
As we experience the cold days of February, Imbolc is a time to remember the sun’s persistence, with light and warmth that will again bring us into spring.  Join Cynthia for an all-ages, inclusive Pagan Imbolc ritual to help us welcome back the sun and warmth. Bring your dreams and goals for the 2020 growing season and we’ll plant our seeds for a successful year! Located in the Knight Room, through the door at the front of the Sanctuary and across the hall.

Join us after the service for coffee, tea, refreshments, and fellowship ~
Everyone is welcome at UCMH!