L’Shalom! Join us this Sunday as we welcome Cantor Wendy Siegel for our online service this week.
We continue our exploration of the wisdom of world religions where Cantor Wendy will share the Jewish tradition of prayers for healing, including the healing of mind and body, the community, and our caretakers. The service will include hymns for sing-alongs and musical selections by Robin. Cynthia will provide a story for all ages, as well. Please have a candle or chalice ready at your computer and light it when we light our chalice.
Cantor Wendy J. Siegel grew up in Burlington, MA. She is a proud graduate of Hebrew College where she earned a master’s degree in Jewish Education as well as Cantorial Ordination. Currently, Cantor Wendy is the Spiritual Leader of Temple Emanuel in Marlborough, MA. Besides singing and studying Torah, Cantor Wendy loves to play Mahjongg with her friends, workout (honestly!), and attend musical theater productions. She has one grown son who is married and is the father of Cantor Wendy’s two adorable grandsons.
The service begins at 10:30am and participants may log in earlier than the start time. Everyone is welcome to participate!
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