Join us for an evening of pet stories. You are invited to tell a story about a pet of any kind, and at any time in your life, in this gathering. Whether it is/was your pet or someone else’s doesn’t matter at all! Feel free to offer a story that is happy, sad, heartfelt or ridiculous – it’s all fair game. Please limit stories to no more than 5 minutes, so everyone gets to share their story. This event is open to all ages, so keep that in mind when selecting a story (well, you never know what kind of stories are out there!).
Don’t have a full story? Tidbits are also welcome! Just a short little description about something involving a pet would also be a nice addition. For example, a German Shepherd we had once had used to alternate between the two of us when we played fetch with her. She would bring the ball to me, I’d throw it, she’d fetch it and bring it to Matt for the next throw. She would alternate consistently until the game was over, No training, it was just her decision. We’ll leave a few minutes at the end for tidbits, after the stories are over.
Don’t have a tidbit or a story? Totally fine! You are welcome to just join in our Zoom session to listen! Let’s get our minds off the pandemic and spend this time together!
Another session will be scheduled if we have too many stories and tidbits for our time together.
Here’s a hilarious story about a bird, featured on “The Moth” in 2011. Enjoy!
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