Friday, 5/22 ~ Women’s Web Tent ~ 7pm

Women's Web Tent (2)







The Red Tent movement, inspired by Anita Diamant’s fictional story, The Red Tent, supports women in reclaiming the gifts of community as we gather together to co-create intimate, woman-centered, restorative, secular community. Here in Hudson, MA, we have created and facilitated such a space for over 9 years!

In our new online Red Tent series, we seek to explore themes we may be actively connecting with during this global coronavirus crisis.  This week, we explore the theme of New Moon Circle.

Circles are a powerful symbol of wholeness, equality, inclusivity, infinity. Women have gathered together in circles since the beginning of time. We round out the hard edges of any box we’ve been put into, edges that separate and divide, to create spaces where we may take an equal seat and face one another in our authenticity in times of celebration, teaching, supporting, healing. Let’s gather together again this Friday to simply check in and share our time and wisdom with one another under the New Moon, a time to reflect upon beginnings, planting seeds, setting intentions, and committing to dreams, goals and wishes.

Simply click the Zoom link here to join us.

To make this as restorative a space as possible, feel free to join us surrounded by any items that bring you comfort: food, beverages, slippers, pets, lavender sachets, warm compresses, you get the idea. (-;

I’d also like you to please bring a small item that represents, to you, the power of women; this will be your Talking Pomegranate (our Red Tent sub-in for a Talking Stick). It could be a goddess statue, a crystal, a lovely apple, anything that speaks to you of the fabulosity that is Woman.

This Tent is created for adult women and mature female teens (reminder: Trans sisters, this is YOUR Tent, too!)
Please note we are limited to 100 participants; we can admit guests on a first-come–first-serve basis. Feel free to share this invite around!!!

We hold confidentiality to be sacred; that being said, this is the Internet, so please keep in mind the limits of true confidentiality and anonymity when you are attending/speaking. I will NOT be recording this event; I request the same of our Tent sisters in attendance.

No admission will be charged for this Tent.

If you are inspired, donations to the Spiritual Growth and Community Center — the home of this Red Tent — through the Unitarian Church of Marlborough and Hudson are most welcome and will be gratefully received. (Many thanks!)–UUj_tdkcO8n4URPXtrgL1_YbgFuSFjwlENoJD8cKEaB0&country.x=US&locale.x=US

Can’t wait to see you Thursday. Peace, love, health and safety, all!

Nan is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Women’s WEB Tent: New Moon Circle
Time: May 22, 2020 06:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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