The Red Tent movement is inspired by Anita Diamant’s fictional story, “The Red Tent,” and supports women in reclaiming the gifts of community as we gather together to co-create safe, woman-centered, restorative, inclusive community. Here in Hudson, MA, we have created and facilitated such a space for over 9 years!
And we are continuing this work online, during the coronavirus crisis, by creating that same Safe Space in which we enter times of sharing around a theme inspired by our Red Tent sisters. This week’s theme is “Inspiration.”
Our imagination helps us envision our dreams, build solutions for realizing creative projects, and create spaces of escape for our souls; it can also enable us to conjure up frightening ideas of what our future could look like.
Do you take time out of your day to spend time with your imagination? What are your favorite gifts that have come to you as a result of employing your imagination? If and when you have imagined unsettling scenarios, what do you do to create peace and healing for yourself? In times of stress, as we work to manage and control an unknown future, can imagination be of benefit or can it get in the way?
In our online Red Tent — our WEB Tent — we honor our journeys and treat ourselves with compassion around our reactions to our experiences. Let’s gather together for our customary check-in and to share stories, wisdom, and insights on Imagination. You are invited!
To make this as restorative a space as possible, feel free to join us surrounded by any items that bring you comfort: food, beverages, slippers, pets, lavender sachets, warm compresses, you get the idea. (-;
I’d also like you to please bring a small item that speaks to you of the fabulosity that is Woman. It could be a goddess statue, a crystal, a lovely apple, anything you’re inspired to bring.
This Tent is created for adult women and mature female teens (reminder: Trans sisters, this is YOUR Tent, too!) Feel free to share this invite around!!!
No admission will be collected for our WEB Tents. If you are inspired and able (we all recognize this can be a very financially trying time), donations to continue the work of the SGCC — including this Red Tent — would be gratefully received!
To donate via PayPal:
Or feel free to mail a check to:
Unitarian Church of Marlborough and Hudson
Make payable to: UCMH
(Please indicate that this is for Web Tent)
P.O. Box 176
Hudson, MA 01749
Unitarian Church of Marlborough and Hudson
Make payable to: UCMH
(Please indicate that this is for Web Tent)
P.O. Box 176
Hudson, MA 01749
We hold confidentiality to be sacred; that being said, this is the Internet, so please keep in mind the limits of true confidentiality and anonymity when you are attending/speaking. I will NOT be recording this event; I request the same of our Tent sisters in attendance.
Can’t wait to see you Thursday.
Peace, love, health and safety, all!
Nancy Rogers is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Nancy Rogers is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Women’s WEB Tent: Imagination
Time: Sep 3, 2020 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Time: Sep 3, 2020 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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Meeting ID: 867 3149 4709