Sunday, February 21, 10:30am
“Whose History?”
“Whose History?”
with Rev. Laurel Gray and UUCSW
(Unitarian Universalist Congregational Society Westborough)
This Sunday we continue our theme of “Be-loved Community” and partner with Rev. Laurel Gray and the Unitarian Universalist Congregational Society Westborough (UUCSW) who present, “Whose History?”
As we think about beloved community this month, we’ll turn our gaze to the past. Stories about who “we” are and who mattered in history shape our understanding of our country and community. But who’s missing? What would radical hospitality mean for the way we tell history?
To join the service online, please click here: zoom.us/j/89214621289.
To join us by phone, please call 301-715-8592 and enter Meeting ID 89214621289.
This Sunday, UUCSW also hosts a “Lunch and Learn” workshop at noon in lieu of coffee hour.
Everyone is welcome to participate with the service and workshop!
Please note: pre-registration for the workshop is required by February 20. Please see workshop information below.

Lunch and Learn:
Origins of Racism in the U.S.
Origins of Racism in the U.S.
Save the date February 21st and join other UUCSW members virtually from noon to 2:00 pm as we use an episode from the podcast Seeing White produced by Scene on Radio to consider how race and racism came to be in the United States. The event will be facilitated by an external volunteer. You can eat your lunch while listening/reading then, in both small and large groups, we’ll engage with what we learn and our reflections.
Signing up for the event is required in order to receive the Zoom link.
Please sign up on SignUp Genius before February 20th.
Please sign up on SignUp Genius before February 20th.