Easter Sunday ~ After the Resurrection: Loss, Transformation, and New Beginnings ~ 10:30am

Easter Lily

Easter Sunday, April 4, 10:30am
After the Resurrection:
Loss, Transformation, and New Beginnings

The Easter story usually ends with the resurrection. Jesus is crucified, the tomb is found empty, and then he appears to his followers. It is a very dramatic conclusion — but it is also a beginning. Join us this Sunday as Rev. Alice reflects on what comes after a resurrection in our own lives: the slow, sometimes painful, sometimes joyful, emergence of something new.

All are welcome ~
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Alice Anacheka-Nasemann (she/her) is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Easter Worship 4-4-21

Time: Apr 4, 2021 10:30 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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