Sunday, May 2 ~ Multigenerational Explorations: “Story” ~ 10:30am

Story -- Daniel Schludi -- Unsplash

Sunday, May 2, 10:30am
Multigenerational Explorations: “Story” ~
An Online, Co-Worship Service
with First Parish Northborough Unitarian Universalist

COVID has given us the opportunity for some exciting worship experiments! For the next 4 weeks the Unitarian Church of Marlborough & Hudson (UCMH) and First Parish Northborough Unitarian Universalist (FPNUU) will combine online for a series of worship services on the theme of Story.

For our kick-off service we will share an Explorations Multigenerational Worship Service, a monthly practice at UCMH. We will begin and end worship together, with an opportunity in the middle for participants to choose an Exploration activity that best matches their learning style.

Our exploration options include:

Exploration in Faithful Play: Group Games
Online Thumb Ball, Two Truths and a Lie … Join Rev. Alice from UCMH for group games that offer opportunities to share our stories with one another in a playful, fun way. 

Exploration in Faithful Play: UU MadLibs
Give me an adjective to describe your spiritual life and the name of a Sacred place… Join Rev. Lynda from FPUUN  for group storytelling UU MadLibs style.

Exploration in Spiritual Practice: Journaling 
We are each an ancestor; what story are we leaving for posterity? What story will be told about our time? Explore your personal story through journaling on this and other prompts. 

Exploration in Spiritual Practice: Lectio Divina
Join Cynthia Menard from UCMH for an introduction to Lectio Divina, a practice of Sacred Reading. With slow, prayerful reading we will discover and savour insights from wisdom tales. 

Exploration in Conversation: Sharing Circles
What has been the best plot twist of your life’s story? What story did you first fall in love with? Do you believe in happy endings? Join Matt Neal from UCMH for a facilitated conversation discussing these and other questions.

Exploration in Thought & Dialogue: TED Talk
Learn more about both the power and danger inherent in the stories we tell in the TED Talk “The Danger of a Single Story,” by Nigerian author Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. Participants will watch and discuss the video.

Exploration in Art: Story Collages
Bring art supplies like magazines, newspapers, glue, tape, and scissors to Zoom with you and make a collage that visually represents your Story — past, present or future. This activity will be introduced by Debra Zagaeski of FPUUN and hosted by Jennifer Rambridge of UCMH.  Please be sure to gather your art supplies in advance of the service.

Please pre-register by contacting the church office at 978.562.9180 or, and the online access information will be provided to you.

All are welcome to participate ~
We hope you can join our creative and inspiring story-themed service!