Sunday, November 14, 10:30 a.m.
“Safe Spaces and Soft Places to Land”
A Hybrid Multigenerational Service with lay preacher Nancy Rogers.
“I love Safe Space; I love talking about it, I love co-creating it, I love partaking of it. We can craft healing Safe Space intentionally — such as we do in our dazzling and beautiful Women’s Red Tent — and sometimes Safe Space shows up in the “aha moment” when you recognize that someone simply needs to be heard. What a game-changer it would be if our world had more Safe Spaces! The great news: we can become this Soft Place To Land for others. Join me in exploring one journey into being a healing presence in the world.” ~ Nancy Rogers
** For planning purposes, please RSVP to the Unitarian Church of Marlborough & Hudson:
Nancy Rogers, a member of UCMH for over a decade, loves connecting with community and art, and has created a multitude of venues to enable others to intersect with spirit in the same way. These include leadership on the Spiritual Growth and Community Center committee and running the annual Bellies for Hope Belly Dance Fundraiser. But the role she’s perhaps best known for is as founder and facilitator of the Hudson MA Women’s Red Tent gatherings, which she’s run for over a decade, and which she brought online during Covid as the WEB Tent. This is her ministry of Safe Space. A graduate of Rev. Alice’s Preaching for Parishioners class, she’s crafted and led summer worship services. Nan is thrilled to be in person again in our big beautiful sanctuary, with her community. This Safe Space is her Soft Place to Land.
Covid Safety Information:
A sanctuary is a place of safety and refuge. There are those among us who have good reason to be more cautious about having contact with other people, but all of us need to feel safe as we enter back into our in-person community. In order for everyone to feel safe, we will maintain strict safety guidelines.
- Everyone must wear a mask, regardless of vaccination status.
- When you come into the church, follow the direction of our greeters and sit with your family group or as individuals 6 feet away from other groups or individuals.
- Our choir may soon be singing in front of the church, but we ask that you don’t sing along with them. Humming, however, is encouraged.
- Please exit the church row by row at the direction of our greeters. We understand that it is wonderful to see our friends again after so long, but please maintain social distancing while in church and save the conversations and hugs, if you are comfortable with hugs, for outside the church.
We are so happy to return to our beautiful sanctuary and to see in person all of our friends and neighbors in our beloved community. Please help us keep it a safe and loving place for everyone.
Your UCMH Safety Committee
Not ready to meet in person? No worries! The service will also be livestreamed so you can participate remotely.
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