Sunday, April 24 ~ For the Love of Truth ~ 10:30 a.m.

love of truthSunday, April 24, 10:30 a.m.

For the Love of Truth

Worship Service led by Guest Preacher Kate Ballas

This Sunday, April 24, Guest Preacher Kate Ballas leads us as we explore the life and legacy of Edith Stein, an early 20th Century German philosopher of Jewish heritage whose search for Truth led her to convert to Catholicism and become a Discalced Carmelite nun. She ultimately perished at Auschwitz. Now, almost a century later, in what ways do her honesty, compassion, and commitment to intellectual dialogue continue to resonate and inspire?

Join us after the service for masked, casual conversation, downstairs in Union Hall. 

Meet our Guest Preacher

Kate BallasKatherine Ballas (she, her, hers) “Kate” is a spiritual director and founder of the Wildflower Collaborative which offers pastoral care for people and communities burdened by overwhelming isolation, addiction, or trauma. Based in Boston, Kate enjoys walks with her Shih Tzu, afternoon adventures with her daughters, and urban gardening. She finds personal joy and renewal in anglo-catholic traditions and is currently completing dual degrees at Boston College in Social Work and Ministry.



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