Sunday, July 24 ~ 10:30 – Noon
sUUmmer sUUnday Spirit Circle
“Walk tall as the trees, live strong as the mountains, be gentle as the spring winds, keep the warmth of the summer sun in your heart, and the great spirit will always be with you.”
– First Nations Blessing
The Unitarian Church of Marlborough & Hudson invites you into a time of spiritual reflection with our newly-created Summer Sunday Spirit Circles. We will gather in Union Hall to create safe, sacred space together so we may explore topics which apply to our daily living, and which contribute to individual exploration and personal spiritual discernment.
July’s theme: The Journey. Our third principle guides us to the “Acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth in our congregations”. Our spiritual journeys, or our journeys of spirit when we weren’t looking but were yet transformed, did not begin with a blank slate; they began with the hunger to wipe the slate clean and begin anew. We are called to “unbecome” who we are not. Our shared journey as a spiritual community is one where we are simply here to help each other hold steady and persevere on our current paths. But sometimes, the gift of being part of a spiritual community is that we can also help each other find the exit ramps to evolve and explore even further.
Along with gentle rituals to set our space, our time together will be spent in a Sharing Circle format where we will reflect on thought-provoking questions around our ever-changing, “living” spiritual journeys. You are invited!
COVID Safety: to be as safe and inclusive as possible, this event will be masked and distanced. Many thanks for your kind consideration!
Facilitated by Nan Rogers
Lay Leader – UCMH Member since 2010
Hudson MA Women’s Red Tent Founder & Facilitator