Event: cUUpCakes ~ Cakes for the Queen of Heaven
Date/Time: Sunday, April 23, 12-2 pm
Facilitators: Dot Russell and Carien vanGelder
Location: UCMH Knight Room
Cost: $5 suggested donation to UCMH
Please join Carien vanGelder and Dot Russell to explore a small bit of the “UU Cakes for the Queen of Heaven” curriculum. We will be will be exploring the triple goddess; Maiden, Mother and Crone; by sharing our stories, chants and meditation exercises. No fee to attend; donations to UCMH for use of the space are welcome.
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“Cakes for the Queen of Heaven” is a woman honoring adult RE curriculum by Rev. Dr. Shirley Ranck. It examines pre-Judeo Christian cultures that may have worshiped the female as divine. The concepts of equality and reverence for the female in a religious setting are eye-opening to many participants.
More than Goddess 101, this workshop series examines important elements of today’s women’s lives; personal, interpersonal and societal. It examines how our culture has been influenced by Judeo Christian values. The primary question raised is: How would your life have been different if, when growing up, the divine had been imaged as female? Participants are encouraged to share their own experiences and beliefs, creating trust and strong bonds of friendship.
The Spiritual Growth and Community Center is an outreach program of the Unitarian Church of Marlborough and Hudson. We provide high-quality, inspirational programs, classes, and events to awaken peace, joy, love, compassion, personal growth, and creativity. All programs are open to the community—people of all faiths, including atheists, can participate.
The Spiritual Growth and Community Center is made possible through the generous support of the members and friends of the Unitarian Church of Marlborough and Hudson.