tim-cooper-RmLSBjS5diE-unsplashThe Spiritual Growth and Community Center is an outreach program of the Unitarian Church of Marlborough and Hudson. We provide high-quality, inspirational programs, classes, and events to awaken peace, joy, love, compassion, personal growth, and creativity.  All programs are open to the community—people of all faiths, including atheists, can participate.

The Spiritual Growth and Community Center is made possible through the generous support of the members and friends of the Unitarian Church of Marlborough and Hudson.

Fall/Winter 2024 Events

Pre-registration is appreciated but not required, unless specifically requested in the event descriptions below. The “donate” button below is provided for your convenience. We appreciate your support of our programming!



 imageOpen Creativity Studio

Facilitated by: Elisa Abatsis and Jennifer Rambridge

Date/Time: Monthly on 1st and 3rd Tuesdays

Cost: $5/class suggested donation

Location: UCMH Union Hall

Is there something you’d like to create in 2023? Give yourself the gift of dedicated time to work on your project in the company of fellow creatives. Bring your novel-in-progress, your half-knitted sweater, your blank canvas, your barely-started dissertation, your architectural blueprint, your nascent symphony, your coding project, or your business plan. Or just bring a desire to explore the possibilities. We provide coffee, a short nugget of creative inspiration, some rudimentary art supplies, and time-keeping so you can lose yourself in creative flow; you bring the mojo and a willingness to clean up after yourself at the end of the night.

New for Fall 2023: Free Your Inner Artist Collab! If you don’t currently have a project in the works, no problem! Jen Rambridge will be on hand with materials and supplies that you can experiment with. (Additional $5 donation requested for materials)

This group is suitable for adults and mature teens.



Pub Theology

Facilitated by: Caitlin Eaton-Robb

Date/Time: Monthly on second Thursdays

Cost: $5 donation requested; BYOB/snacks/dinner

Location: UCMH Knight Room (or Courtyard if the weather is mild enough!)

We welcome atheists, agnostics, humanists, people of all faith traditions, and people who identify as “spiritual but not religious” to gather together to talk while enjoying drinks and other refreshments. Join us for deep, respectful, and reflective conversation with our community. Each month we will reflect on a different theme.

November: “Repair”

December: “Presence”

January: “Story”

February: “Inclusion”

Feel free to join in the discussion or just come to listen. Please bring your own wine, beer, or nonalcoholic beverage, and dinner or a snack if you wish – there are a number of great restaurants right nearby!  You can also take out beer from our neighbors across the street at Medusa. Everyone is welcome to participate! Contact Caitlin Eaton-Robb with any questions.


new age spiritualist logoNew Age Spiritualist Collaborative

Facilitated by: Members of the Collaborative

Date/Time: Every other month on the 4th Friday

Cost: $5 donation requested for use of the space

Location: UCMH Union Hall

The New Age Spiritualist Collaborative is part of Spiritual Growth and Community Center at the Unitarian Church of Marlborough and Hudson.

We’ll be exploring modalities such as mediumship, divination, energy healing, and astrology with the aim of evolving consciousness by understanding our soul’s place in the Universe.

Each meeting will be led by a member of the collaborative, who will provide information on a topic followed by discussion and a practice session.

Meetings will generally be held in-person on fourth Thursday of every month at the Unitarian Church of Marlborough and Hudson, 80 Main Street, Hudson, MA, from 7:00-8:30 p.m. Email: newagespiritualists@gmail.com.

Meetings are FREE, but we do request a $5 donation to UCMH for use of the building.

Please note that we are not a professional practice group (though professional practitioners are certainly welcome!).

viva-luna-studios-7s2ip7OVktg-unsplashPlaying With Tarot Workshop

Date and Time: Friday, November 15, 7:00 p.m.

Facilitator: Cynthia Menard

Cost: $5 for UCMH members, $10 for non-members

Join us for an every-other-month gathering in Hudson, MA where we ‘play’ with our tarot decks, ask tarot questions, and nerd out over tarot details and trivia.

These gatherings are not concerned with a card-by-card teaching of ‘how tarot works’. Rather, we play with our decks in fun and intuitive ways that build our unique understanding of the cards.

In our November gathering will explore and play with the court cards, and figure out why they’re such a challenge. We’ll practice reading for each other with a few new spreads, and play an I-Spy game with our decks. I hope you can join us!

Advance registration requested: email cynthia @ inkwoodhealing.com

This event repeats every other month on the 4th Friday of the month, alternating with the Spiritualist group. Questions? Email Cynthia at the above address!



Facilitated by: Dave Curry
Dates: 1st Saturdays, December-April, 7-10 PM
Cost: $5 per adult, kids under 13 free
Location: UCMH Union Hall

FreeDrum is a night of high energy freestyle drumming and dancing that welcomes all ages and skill levels. The drumming kicks off at 7pm and we go full throttle until about 9:45 with a short break in the middle for snacks, announcements, socializing, and maybe a group photo. Near the end, we dial back the energy and cool down with softer, slower rhythms, perhaps some didge, flute, or toning to help get us grounded. Bring your drums and percussion instruments if you have them. some extra drums are available for borrowing. If you like, you’re welcome to bring snacks.

NOTE: FreeDrum is based on the “conscious gathering” concept that believes in being high on life without the need for mind-altering substances. During your time at FreeDrum we ask that your head is clear of drugs or alcohol. Your cooperation is appreciated.

Facilitator Bio: Dave Curry is the creator of Drums For One & All, which includes facilitating public events, giving workshops, teaching private lessons, giving live performances, and doing drum repairs. Dave has offered his popular FreeDrum event since 2001. He has taught drum classes at the Assabet school since 2009. Over the past 20 years, Dave has led 1000+ drumming events at schools, churches, colleges, retreat centers, and other institutions across New England.

Ongoing Events

33814296530_9dfc70e9b5_o (Buddha Statue) (3)Buddhist Book Club
Facilitated by: Ruth Hanlon
Dates/Times: Monday & Thursday, 7:00 – 8:30 PM; Saturday 9:30-10:30 AM
Cost: $5 for non-members; members donations appreciated
Location: Zoom – contact facilitator for zoom link or more information
The group is open, and follows a format which includes meditation, reading, and discussion. Books are chosen by the group and have a “Buddhist-oriented content.” Familiarity with Buddhism is not required; the group learns from one another and our exploration of our readings is applied to real life experience. Books are suggested by the attendees and selections are chosen by the group. All are welcome!

We are hard at work preparing virtual and in person offerings for the upcoming season! Please check back for more information, or contact the office to receive notification via email:  administrator@ucmh.org