Sunday, 5/24 ~ Public Memory, Art, and Theology

Rev. Michelle Walsh

Sunday, May 24, 10:30am
Public Memory, Art, and Theology
with Special Guest, Rev. Dr. Michelle Walsh

As we honor Memorial Day in this particular year, how can we broaden our reflection on the theological meaning of public memory as conveyed through public art? What role does public ritual and public art play in cultivating our social and spiritual moral imaginations?

About Rev. Dr. Michelle Walsh ~
Rev. Dr. Michelle Walsh, LICSW is a Unitarian Universalist community minister and shares a private justice consulting and spiritual coaching practice with her husband, Rev. Dr. Clyde Grubbs known as Tuckerman Creative Ministries for Justice & Healing.  She also has worked as a scholar activist for many years in urban contexts, teaches as a Lecturer at Boston University, and is the author of Violent Trauma, Culture and Power: An Interdisciplinary Exploration in Lived Religion as well as chapters in other volumes. Her website is

We encourage people to light their own chalice or candle at home when we do our chalice lighting.

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Please note:  Zoom opens at 10:00am for participants to log in early, set up, and be ready when the program begins.  For security purposes, please identify yourself with your real name.

Michelle Walsh (she/her/hers) is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Unitarian Church of Marlborough and Hudson 5/31/20 Sunday Worship
Time: May 24, 2020 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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