Sun, 11/29 ~ “The Inward Journey” ~ 10:30am

Stephen M. Shick

The Inward Journey: A Social Justice Imperative
with Special Guest, Rev. Stephen Shick

We live in troubled, deeply troubled, times that call us to live our values as anti-racists and prodemocracy and climate justice activists. During worship on Sunday November 29 we will explore the need for each of us to take an “Inward Journey”  to sustain our spirits, nourish our souls and strengthen our communities.

All are welcome to participate ~ please see online access information below.

About Rev. Stephen Shick ~
The Rev. Stephen Shick is Minister Emeritus of the Unitarian Church of Marlborough and Hudson. Professionally he has been a local peace activist, national radio broadcaster, parish minister, founding director of two national Unitarian Universalist peace and social justice programs. Stephen currently teaches the art of speaking without a script to ministers and social justice activists. He is author of two Skinner books: Be the Change: Poems, Prayers and Meditations for Peacemakers and Justice Seekers and Consider the Lilies. Stephen and his wife JoAnn live in Lexington where they are active in First Parish’s social justice ministry.

Topic: UCMH Sunday Service with Rev. Stephen
Time: Nov 29, 2020 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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