Friday, November 22 ~ Pub Theology: Mixing Spirits with Spirit! ~ Meets at Berlin, 19Carter Venue

Pub Theology

Pub Theology*
Friday, November 22, 7-9pm
* Takes place at the Berlin Community Center, 19 Carter Street, Berlin Center

UCMH is delighted to reintroduce this popular program as a new collaboration with our neighbors at the First Parish Church of Berlin.  We welcome atheists, agnostics, humanists, people of all faith traditions, and people who identify as “spiritual but not religious” to gather together to talk while enjoying spirits and other palate pleasing treats. Join us for deep, respectful, and reflective conversation with our interfaith neighbors. In this month’s gathering, we will discuss our thoughts about November’s theme, “Gratitude.”  Feel free to join in the discussion or just come to listen.

*Note about the Berlin, 19Carter venue:
This unique community center, just opened in 2017, was created to provide a community space for people from all walks of life to relax and connect. You can learn more about it on their website:  Serve-yourself coffee, tea, and occasional light snacks are available at 19Carter during our Pub Theology gathering (donation requested). Attendees are encouraged to bring their own to share as well, which can include beer, wine and other beverages as well as food. We are excited to be collaborating with our UU neighbors at Berlin First Parish Church, which is located across the street from 19Carter, and having them join us in shared conversation.

Led by Ginny Briggs ~
$5 donation to the community center for use of their space.