SPECIAL PROGRAM! Sunday, 5/3 ~ Finding Calm in the Age of Covid with Linda Miller, LICSW ~ 1:15pm

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Sunday, May 3, 1:15pm
Finding Calm in the Age of Covid
Presented by Linda Miller, LICSW

Maintaining calm was challenging enough even before Covid. The paradox is that now when there’s plenty of reality to our anxiety, it’s more important than ever to cultivate skills of emotional resilience and calm.

This workshop will weave together the science of positive neuroplasticity with what you’re already doing to cope in these difficult times.

And the benefits of invoking calm go well beyond emotional health. There are many physical health benefits including, increased immune response, decreased inflammation, improved sleep and more. Building and adding to your skill set in even very simple ways can help you now and in the future, whatever the challenges ahead. 

Everyone is welcome to participate.  Please grab lunch before the event and come ready to be fully present to yourself and the teaching.

About the Presenter, Linda Miller
Linda Miller, LICSW, is a life-long optimist and helping person. Before retiring she worked as a Clinical Social Worker specializing in counseling the severely ill, aged, and disabled. Among her passions is teaching the power of simple brain, mind, body skills to help us live healthier and happier. Her present-ations weave together neuroscience and biology with discussion of the positive attributes (compassion, self-compassion, kindness to name a few) that promote better lives and a better world for us all.

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please check Spiritual Growth & Community Center.

Thank you!!

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