Tuesday, May 12, 6:30pm
New Online Book Club
with First Parish Northborough Unitarian Universalist Church
New Online Book Club
with First Parish Northborough Unitarian Universalist Church
The First Parish Northborough Universalist Unitarian Church has invited members and friends of UCMH to their monthly book club!
Our First Parish Northborough neighbors, Audrey and Les, have been reading Active Hope: How to Face the Mess We’re in without Going Crazy by Joanna Macy and Chris Johnstone, and have found that it’s a book that’s compelling to think about and worthy of discussion. While the book is about the ecology dilemma, there are parallels to our current pandemic state. Questions include, “What is reality?” and “How do we improve?”
Our plan is to meet once a month to discuss a portion of the book as we read it together.
To order online, please click on the link below:
“Books about social and ecological change too often leave out a vital component: how do we change ourselves so that we are strong enough to fully contribute to this great shift? Active Hope fills this gap beautifully, guiding readers on a journey of gratitude, grief, interconnection, and, ultimately, transformation.” — Naomi Klein, author of The Shock Doctrine
Everyone is welcome to participate ~
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