New! ~ “Thanks a Thousand” Campaign

Thanks - Coffee Cup

They say it takes 21 days to develop a habit. In March you are invited to explore the monthly theme of Commitment by committing to our “Thanks a Thousand” Campaign and turning the practice of gratitude into a habit. Participants in the campaign will select a goal for themselves: perhaps 5 or 10 thank you cards each day, a daily FB post expressing gratitude, or regular calls to thank workers in our community.

We will stay in touch throughout the month, providing accountability to the process as well as the opportunity to share our stories and bring a little extra joy to each day.

All are welcome to read the book that has inspired this campaign, Thanks a Thousand: A Gratitude Journey, by A. J. Jacobs, and participate in an online book discussion on Friday, March 19, at 7:30pm. 

Participants will also be invited to share what they have learned about both commitment and gratitude in a Thanks a Thousand Worship Service on March 28 at 10:30am.

Register through the church office:

Learn more about the book by listening to this interview with the author: