Sunday, June 19 ~ Coming Down the Mountain ~ 10:30 a.m.

down the mountainSunday, June 19, 10:30 a.m.

Coming Down the Mountain

Led by Guest Preacher Francesca Cipriani

We will hear the story of a young woman who hunts an unusual and powerful being with her grandmother. We will explore what this story can teach us about what we need from others and what we must do on our own. And we will contemplate how coming down the mountain can be the most challenging leg of the journey.

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francesca ciprianiFrancesca Cipriani is from the Jersey Shore and spent much of her youth in the Pine Barrens. She came to Massachusetts to attend Harvard Divinity School. She earned her Master of Divinity in 2020. She now lives on the North Shore with her husband and they enjoy spending time in nature and finding new places to hike. Francesca is pursuing becoming a board certified hospital chaplain and is beginning a residency in the fall.