Let me
keep my mind on what matters,
which is my work,
which is mostly standing still and learning to be
Astonished.~ Mary Oliver
(Photo by Dakota Roos on Unsplash)
Sunday, July 9 ~ 10:00-11:30 a.m.
Soul Matters Summer Sharing Circle:
The Gift of Stillness
The Unitarian Church of Marlborough & Hudson invites you into a time of spiritual reflection with our Soul Matters Sharing Circle. Once a month, in lieu of a formal worship service, we will gather in Union Hall to create safe, sacred space together, in a sharing circle format, so we may explore topics that apply to our daily living, and which contribute to personal spiritual discernment.
**PLEASE NOTE: there will be no coffee hour this morning but you are invited to bring your own Brown Bag Brunch to enjoy afterward as we continue our conversation in beloved community!**
Our theme for July: The Gift of Stillness. Sometimes, when “stillness” weaves its way into our discussions, it’s framed as a retreat strategy. A balm from the frantic and frequently wounding world. But it’s actually less like a locked room that keeps all the enemies out and more like an oxygen mask that brings us back to life. Stillness doesn’t simply slow our breath and energy, it fills us with it, and with our power. It enables us to gather strength, and clarifies our perceptions, which call us back and remind us to live our values. The Pause for Stillness is not an end in itself but the road that leads us home. Please join us as we explore the gift of Stillness!
This space is accessible through the ground level RE entrance.
Youth ages 13-18 are encouraged to participate in our Circle. For children up to age 6: Nursery Care is available.
COVID Safety: Masks are optional; we offer social distancing in our spacious Union Hall for those participants who feel more comfortable doing so. Please, if you’re not feeling well, do stay home! Many thanks for your kind consideration!
Facilitated by Jennifer Rambridge and Barbara Kostick
Jennifer Rambridge has been a member of UCMH for 20 years and has been an active member of the religious education team much of that time. She is a lifelong learner who rejoices in nature and the continued exploration of arts and crafts. Barb Kostick has been a member of UCMH for 15 years. Her spirituality is centered around the natural world and all living things.