Sunday Worship: November 5 ~ “Receiving Generously” ~ **4:00 PM**

NOTE: As a one-time experiment, our worship service this Sunday starts at 4:00 pm (remember to set your clocks for Daylight Savings.)  A drop-in choir will gather at 2:45 with Robin and RE will run during the afternoon service. Families should start in the Sanctuary, as usual. We hope to see you there!

kelly-sikkema-XX2WTbLr3r8-unsplash - edited to add text

Sunday, November 5

Receiving Generously

With Rev. Alice-Anacheka-Nasemann


Are you a gracious receiver or are you more inclined to “go it alone?” Our theme for November is generosity. Join us this Sunday as Rev. Alice reflects on the gift we give when we receive generously. 


Image Credit: Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash, edited to add text


Feeling under the weather? Click the image above to join us via Zoom!
Feeling under the weather? Click the image above to join us via Zoom!