“Do not be dismayed by the brokenness of the world. All things break. And all things can be mended. Not with time, but with intention. So go. Love intentionally, extravagantly, unconditionally. The broken world waits in darkness for the light that is you.”
— L.R. Knost
Join us Mother’s Day, Sunday, May 13 where guest speaker, Marianne DiBlasi, presents “A Garden of Hope.”
Gardens are often used as metaphors for a peaceful sanctuary; where all is good and right and beautiful – a garden of paradise. For many Christians, salvation is achieved by accepting Jesus as their Lord and Savior, and Heaven is their eternal garden of paradise. What do Unitarians and Universalists say about salvation? What is our garden of paradise?
Marianne DiBlasi has been a Unitarian Universalist and member of First Parish in Lexington since 2004. She fully embraces the radical inclusiveness of our covenantal faith. Marianne recently completed her second year of seminary at Meadville-Lombard Theological School, a Unitarian Universalist seminary in Chicago and plans to graduate with a Masters of Divinity degree in May 2020.