Sunday, April 19 ~ Spreading the Karuna Virus: Compassion and Generosity for our Time ~ 10:30am

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Sunday, April 19, 10:30am
Spreading the Karuna Virus: Compassion and Generosity for our Time
with Special Guest, Elisa Pearmain

“Times of scarcity need to be met with generosity, times of fear with comfort, times of uncertainty with presence.
When we care for those around us, we create a field of love.”
– Thomas Hübl

Professional storyteller and award-winning author, Elisa Pearmain, will share stories to honor and inspire the generosity and compassion that is and can sustain us during this time of uncertainty and loss. Her title, Spreading the Karuna Virus, refers to the Sanskrit word, Karuna, or Compassion. There will be a story for all ages early in the service and a number of wise world tales for ages 12+ for the sermon.  We encourage people to light their own chalice or candle at home when we do our chalice lighting.

Please see Zoom online and telephone access info below.  Please note:  Zoom opens at 9:30am for participants to log in early, set up, and be ready when the program begins.  For security purposes, please identify yourself with your real name.

About Elisa Pearmain ~
Elisa Pearmain, a resident of Hudson, has been telling stories professionally for over 30 years. She is the award winning author of two collections of wise tales, and one CD of tales of Forgiveness. She and Rev. Alice co-authored the UUA Tapestry of Faith Curriculum “Moral Tales” together. Elisa is also a licensed psychotherapist with a private practice in Concord, MA. You can check out her publications on

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