Nov 13-15 ~ Toward Right Relations Weekend ~ Workshop, Film & Discussion, and Service

Toward Right Relations (rotating graphic)

Toward Right Relationship with Native Peoples
A Weekend of Online Events
November 13 -15

Hosted by the First Parish Church of Stow and Acton
in combination with the Friends Peace Team

Acting upon the 2020 UUA Action of Immediate Witness calling on UUs to “Address 400 Years of White Supremacist Colonialism” and the Friends Peace Team goal to “build relationships among Native and non-Native communities based on truth, respect, justice and our shared humanity.” We join together to learn, challenge, and support the work of right relationships that address more than 400 years of genocide, colonization, and forced assimilation of Native peoples with these weekend-long offerings.  All events are suitable for high school teens and adults.

Programs include:

“Roots of Injustice, Seeds of Change”
with Paula Palmer and Rev. Nikira Hernandez-Evans
Friday Evening Workshop, November 13th 7-9pm

Through an experiential exercise, we trace the historic and ongoing impacts of the Doctrine of Discovery, the 15th-century justification for European subjugation of non-Christian peoples.

Suggested donation $20.00 per family; BIPOC people attend for free.
Register for the Friday night workshop zoom link at

“Two Rivers” facilitated by the Rev. Nikira Hernandez-Evans
Saturday Afternoon Film and Discussion, November 14th 3-4:30pm

This 1-hour documentary film tells the story of a rural community in Washington state that undertook some significant actions toward reconciliation with the area’s Indigenous peoples. Following the film a facilitated discussion will focus on: what would right relationship look like with Native Peoples in our community.

Suggested donation $10.00 per family, BIPOC people attend for free.
Register for the Saturday movie discussion zoom link at 

“The Land Remembers” led by Paula Palmer
Sunday Morning Worship Service, November 15th 10am

Many Native people say the land remembers. We invite non-Native people to think about the places on this continent that they know and love, and then ask: What does this land remember? Who loved this land before my family came to know it? What happened to them? How am I connected to them through the land? How could this connection grow into relationship?

No Registration:
Sunday worship is free and open to all.
Find link for the service at:

Join as a Congregations:
Other congregations are welcome to join us in hosting this as a joint worship service for a donation. Contact Rev. Dr. Cynthia Landrum at for more information.


Please click here to view, download, or share flyer with full event information.