Sunday, 11/1 ~ Multigen Explorations Service: “Healing” ~ 10:30am

Healing -- Cecile Vedemil, Unsplash

Join us this Sunday for our monthly, online Multigenerational Explorations Service!

We will begin and end worship together, with an opportunity in the middle for participants to choose an Exploration activity that best matches their learning style.

Our theme for the month is Healing.  Activities include Chair Yoga, a Sharing Circle, and more.

All are welcome to participate!

Daylight savings begins on Sunday, November 1 where we “Fall Back,” turning the clocks back one hour.  Please be sure to attend at the new, adjusted time.

Please see Zoom access information below.

Topic: UCMH Worship, Nov. 1, 2020

Time: Nov 1, 2020 10:30 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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Meeting ID: 889 3744 5113

Passcode: 413962

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