Tues, 11/17 ~ Energize Yourself! ~ 7pm

Energize Yourself! (Aaron Burden, Unsplash)

Energize Yourself!
10 Tips to Boost Your Energy

Many people are tired and experiencing exhaustion, especially in the age of Covid. 

UCMH’s Communications Director, Annette Ermini, also is a Certified Health and Nutrition Coach and is here to help!  She shares her healing journey and how she overcame chronic fatigue with simple but effective holistic remedies. 

Every positive endeavor begins with a single step.  Please join our online workshop to regain energy, vibrancy, and radiant health in living your best life.  

Pre-registration is requested.  Please email Annette at happyradiantlife@gmail.com to register by Monday, November 16, at 5pm.