Sunday, April 10, 10:30 a.m.
Awakening Moments
Worship Service led by Rev. Stephen Shick
Sometimes moments in our lives reveal truth hidden under the surface of all our doing and concerns. Instantly, it seems, we see more clearly who we are and what we are called by life to do. Today, however, as our minds fill with images of war’s horror, the suffering caused by racial injustice, and the devastation caused by global warming, it is difficult to find those moments. In worship this Sunday we will explore sources that can awaken life affirming energy and hope.
Join us for coffee and conversation after the service downstairs in Union Hall!
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We are still in need of additional volunteers to facilitate livestream technology during Sunday worship. If you feel moved to offer your time and energy on behalf of our members and friends who are not able to attend in person, please contact the church office or speak to Rev. Alice.
The Rev. Stephen Shick is Minister Emeritus of the Unitarian Church of Marlborough and Hudson. Professionally he has been a local peace activist, national radio broadcaster, parish minister, founding director of two national Unitarian Universalist peace and social justice programs. Stephen currently teaches the art of speaking without a script to ministers and social justice activists. He is author of two Skinner books: Be the Change: Poems, Prayers and Meditations for Peacemakers and Justice Seekers and Consider the Lilies. Stephen and his wife JoAnn live in Lexington where they are active in First Parish’s social justice ministries.