Sunday, September 11, 10:30 a.m.
Water Communion Ingathering Service
Honor the waters that touch our lives: rivers, oceans, lakes, and tears of joy and sorrow. In this family worship service we will celebrate our coming together after the summer months. Bring water from a source that you visited this summer or find sacred and together we will create a meaningful water communion ceremony. We welcome live steel drum music from musician Jefferey Clayton at this special service.
We are pleased to welcome one and all in our beautiful, historic sanctuary. We are now mask-optional, with a “mask-only” zone in the rearmost pews for those who need to be extra cautious.
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For those not able to attend in person, the service will be streamed via Zoom using the information below:
Topic: Water Communion Ingathering Service
Time: Sep 11, 2022 10:30 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Meeting ID: 948 4842 5581
Or dial by your location