Sunday, November 27, 10:30 a.m.
“Soul Matters” Sharing Circle
10:30am – Noon
Unitarian Church of Marlborough & Hudson
80 Main St., Hudson, MA
Cost: Free; donations welcome
The Unitarian Church of Marlborough & Hudson invites you into a time of spiritual reflection with our newly-created Soul Matters Monthly Spirit Circle. Once a month, in lieu of a formal worship service or as an after-service gathering, we will create safe, sacred space together in our Union Hall, in a sharing circle format, so we may explore topics that apply to our daily living, and which contribute to personal spiritual discernment.
**PLEASE NOTE: This event runs 10:30-noon**
Our theme for November: CHANGE.
It’s the only constant and all that, change is.
It’s the passing of things.
It is the passing of all things, change is.
It is the becoming of all.
It is a parade, this change is.
It is a dance, this change is.
It is the river and the stepping that’s never twice.
It is the tragedy of all that was, this change is.
It is the fear of all that is, this change is.
It is the hope of what may be yet, this constant, this change.
This ice to water.
This day to eternity.
Come to the river.
Step. Step. Step.
– “Change Is”, Rev. Dr. David Breeden
Please join us as we journey together through our individual and collective paths of Change!
Youth ages 13-18 are encouraged to participate in our Circle. For children up to age 6: Nursery Care is available. For children ages 7-12: be sure to check out the agenda for Circle RE this day to find out more about time and location.
COVID Safety: Masks will be optional but we will still practice social distancing in our spacious Union Hall. Please, if you’re not feeling well, do stay home! Many thanks for your kind consideration!
Facilitated by Nan Rogers
Lay Leader – UCMH Member since 2010
Hudson MA Women’s Red Tent Founder & Facilitator