Registration, Cancellation and Facilities Information
General Registration Information
Unless otherwise noted, registrations are required for all events and are due one week prior to a program. Register by contacting our administrator by phone at 978-562-9180, or by e-mail, When a fee is noted for a particular program payment can be made by cash or check. Checks should be payable to “The Unitarian Church of Marlborough and Hudson.” Please include this with your registration form. We wish our programs to be accessible to all families; most program fees can be waived in cases of financial hardship by contacting our church office.
Generally speaking, programs will require a minimum of 5 participants to run. In some cases there will be a maximum number established by the leader. You will be contacted if you do not get into a given program. Space will be reserved on a first-come, first-served basis.
Cancellations Policy
Programs that are under-enrolled will be cancelled one week prior to the event and enrollees notified. If cancellation is due to weather, all efforts will be made to contact those who have registered for the event. Cancellation information can be obtained on the church website or by calling the church office.
Most of the church meeting rooms are accessible; others may require advance notice or special accommodations. Please contact us with questions about accessibility needs.
All programs will take place at the Unitarian Church of Marlborough and Hudson unless otherwise specified. Enter through the Church Street door on the Church Street side of the building. The Union Hall is down the stairs and to your right. The Knight Room is up the stairs on the left. When we carpool or caravan offsite, we will gather outside the Church Street entrance.
Parking is available on both Main and Church Streets, on the church lot, in other adjacent lots, and in public lots on South Street (parallel to Main Street).